COVID-19 information note

Page published in March 2020 :
October 1, 2020 by
COVID-19 information note
INFORUM, Elsa Kopp

Inforum team remains active!

What we do

Thanks to teleworking and a new organization, we are able to continue our essential activities: technical support, sales, development...
However, this particular situation may cause longer treatment times. Thank you for your understanding.

This page deals with the following topics:

  • This page deals with the following topics:
  • This page deals with the following topics:
  • Which organizations can help you?
  • What are the state aids?

1. Inforum offers delayed payment for customers with support contract

We understand that this epidemic is a major problem for most companies, as it is for Inforum, and that the activity of our customers (dry cleaners and launderers) is also affected.

Since lockdown start, we have received various calls and requests from our customers, asking us to take into account the current situation, especially for our support service invoicing.

We decided to postpone the debits concerning support invoices from April 1st 2020 to May 1st 2020.

By postponing the debits, we hope we help our customers preserving their treasury and bring at our level an extra help to the aids already offered by the State.

You are customer under support contract? FAQ are available  follow this link

2. GestiClean tips related to the current situation 

Here are GestiClean tips that could help you in the current situation:

  • Calculation of turnover loss in March 2019 and March 2020 (necessary for State aid demand):   follow this link

  • Stay in touch with your customers - How to export the list of my customers’ mobile numbers with GestiClean?  follow this link

3. Which organizations can help you?

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4. What are the state aids?

According to your profile, you may benefit from the following aids:

  1. Postponement of payment terms for social security contributions and/or taxes (URSSAF, direct taxes)

  2. Postponement of direct taxes might be decided through individualized examination of requests

  3. Deferred payment for rents and utility bills for smallest companies in difficulty

  4. €1,500 aid for the smallest companies, independents and micro enterprises of most hurt sectors

  5. State aid of 300 billion euros to guarantee bank treasury that could be needed by companies because of the epidemic

  6. State and Banque de France (credit mediation) support to negotiate credit restructuring with banks

  7. Employment maintenance in companies through simplified and reinforced partial unemployment

  8. Support for the treatment of conflict with customers or suppliers by the business Mediator

  9. Public markets: late payment penalties will not be applied

The detail of these measures is available at the following address:

COVID-19 information note
INFORUM, Elsa Kopp October 1, 2020
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